Wednesday 10 November 2010

Royal We

I have spent the day not eating and recording instead. I am hungry but there is a new song.

Royal We -

Well Done Caustic! China = Done


Wednesday 3 November 2010

Will You Remember?

Another song up and ting.

Will You Remember:

Its on Kevin Myspacey aswell.

Take care. x

Friday 22 October 2010

Look Mum, I Do Blog

So following the advice of Danny I have started a blog, because this is how it goes now, apparently. I have some new songs recorded and a billion more up my wizards sleeve, here's some for download.

I'm Just Not Feeling It -

All Today -

If anyone likes what they hear and can play guitar, bass or drums, then get in touch. I would love to tour the dirty back rooms of UK pubs ones day.

I can't stop listening to this: Ra Ra Riot - Boy
Go to and you'll be able to download it from the introduction page. Not my usual cup of tea but it makes me want to dance and it makes me smile, which is most important.

Oh and watch out for Mercy Buckets.